Monday, September 20, 2010

Wacked Out Dreaming

Usually, I can't remember
my dreams clearly, but this one is truly on the wackier side, for me anyway.

I'm in an art class. The instuctor is prickily in nature and has us writing down in our sketch books some kind of mathimatical equations (I did say wacky, right?!). I look down at my notebook and realize that I haven't written anything that she's been saying down nor have I been listening to her at all! Suddenly, she stops, looks around the room and says, "you do realize everything I am telling you will be important to your future in this class." I flip to the back of my sketchbook and, lo and behold, is this indescribable math equation! I am sooooooo relieved that I actually wake up. It's 6:30 am and my alarm is beeping madly.

I really do need to cut down on my caffeine intake. Or something.

Sweet dreams.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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