Monday, October 25, 2010

Voting day ...using the "Goblet of Fire Method"

It's voting day in Toronto! Let's see which candidate will be chosen from my Goblet of Fire!

"Wingardia Votee-oh-sa!"

Did you really think I was going to tell you 

who I was voting for?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Voting: The Goblet of Fire.

In a few days, the citizens of Toronto the good will get another chance to cast their ballots and will, hopefully, get a Mayor and City Council, who will get it right this time. Now, this isn't going to be a blog on who or what to vote for, as I'm sure you are all sick to death of the reports, soundbites and polls that have been a part of our daily lives for the last few months.
No, this is going to be about the method I will be using to determine who I will vote for in this election and not necessarily for the coveted position of Mayor. That's an easy one as they're all over the media anyway. What I mean, is for the City Councellors. I live in Ward 3. Etobicoke. I would have never guessed that there was anyone running, as I have not received any of the usual pamphlets, phonecalls or visits from either the person running or a representative for them offering to kiss my baby or put a sign on my front lawn. Nothing. In the last place I lived, I got visits from them all. This time, I actually had to look up whether or not there was someone running in this Ward.
So, how is one to determine to vote come election day? By using what I would like to dub "The Goblet of Fire Method" (appologies to J.K. Rowling):
Get a very nice goblet (or something similar; after all there is only a few days left.). Make sure to draw an age line around it, so those under 18 can't mess with it. Write the names of those running for City Councellor on some scraps of paper with waterproof ink. Before you drop the names into the goblet, make sure to add a spoonful or two of baking soda and some vinager, to make it smoke like a volcano. Now, quickly add the paper scraps. Switch off all lights, except for the most dramatic one and make a big fat production in front of your friends, family, co-workers etc. by choosing a name out of the goblet.
Voilà. Your choice is made. Just don't forget to bring it with you to the polls on election day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, October 10, 2010

World Post Day- Hooray!

As I was too busy celebrating what would have been John Lennon's 70th Birthday, I totally forgot about another important October 9th Celebration, World Post Day. But, there is still time left for post-celebratory things you can do:

1. Join Postcrossing ( I love sending and receiving random postcards in the mail. It's an adventure and it sure beats junkmail and bills. Don't wait, do it now! Sign yourself up!

2. Join Postsecret ( and mail them one of your deep, dark secrets (anonymously of course.).

3. Pick up a really touristy postcard and send it to someone you haven't heard from in a long time. A friend or a maiden Auntie, they'll love it.

4. Do you have an artistic bent to you? Ever wonder if you put an address and the right amount of postage on a really odd item like a popcan, would it get there? Then pick up a copy of "Good Mail Day" by Carolee Gilligan Wheeler and Jennie Hinchcliff and invite yourself into the world of Mail Art. It's fab and this mail art fun will only cost you the price of a stamp (unless you are trying to post an elephant, of course.)!

Just remember, in this day and age, snail mail does rule!
Happy World Post Day, belated.

(Btw, to find out more about World Post Day, see Postcrossing's blog,, on the subject. )

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Harry Potter style wand

Harry Potter style wand
Originally uploaded by Louise Kiner

This is the first time I am using the flickr blog it tool, so I am sharing the Harry Potter style wand I made out of a sheet of paper and a glue gun, if you can believe that. Now I'm kind of addicted and I am making a second one.

Here's the instructables link if you want to make your own (and it's cheaper then purchasing one. And, it looks way cooler.).

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nuit Blanche: A Kid's Guide To Conceptual Art

So, how exactly does one do Nuit Blanche with their 11 year old in tow? Well, here were a few of my solutions, so we could take part in this night of art extravaganza:

1) Find a birthday party! With balloons! And cake!

("Happy Bithday to_")

2. Get their yah yahs out with a dance party!

( "Dances With Stangers")

3. If they start getting cold (after all, it is October!), just find them a nice bonfire to warm up. There's bound to be one somewhere...

("Pine Cone Colony")

4). ...or a nice house made from a bus shelter...with a Twister game to keep them occupied!

("The Bus House Collective")

5. And finally, if they lie down in the middle of the street, take them home.

They've probably had enough conceptual art to last them until next year's Nuit Blanche.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone