Sunday, January 17, 2010

Victorian Toy Theatre pt. 1

Over the holidays, I picked up a copy of "Artist's Cafe: Best of Somerset Studio Art & Design" (Volume 3). Inside there was an article on an artist who wrote about making a Victorian Toy Theatre ("Model Behavior" by Michelle Ward). Upon further reading I thought to myself' "Ahhh... I need to make one of these." As the instructions were rather vague, but the photographs lovely, I did what I always do when trying to figure out how to put stuff together. Google it. I found some really great information and even some fun patterns. But, like the author/artist of the article, I wanted to make this theatre my own. So, what's one to do, but to dive in.
As I am writing this, it's still under construction, so I'll be writing this as the work progresses. I guess the best place to start would be to give you the tools and materials I used:

-Craft knife, always use a fresh blade.
- Tacky Glue
- Matte Medium
- Foam Core (2-3 sheets, because if you're like me a miscut is always possible.)
- Dover books for images or any images that inspire you.
-Access to a computer/photo program or photocopier
-Cork back metal ruler
-Straight pins (to hold structure)
-Self-healing cutting mat

Anyway, this is the start. You might discover as you work better ways or tools or materials that work for you.
Below are some of the images I picked for the front side of my theatre.
See you in a few days.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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