Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Stable Summer Memory

The second summer I spent at an overnight camp in Northern Ontario. They had a horse stable and I probably spent more time there then with my cabin mates. Actually, I had such a great time that the night before I had to leave, I phoned my parents and begged them to let me stay an extra 2 weeks (which they did). Needless to say, when I got back from camp everything I took up to camp with me, smelled like a horse stable, causing my parents to burn it all, rather then washing it.


  1. Every little girl's dream, riding horses at summer camp. Great memory.

  2. Tomorrow (or the next day ), I will post a drawn "memory" I had done of a horse that was there who was called "Leroy Brown". They would always make me ride this beast. Stay tuned.
